Dan + Renee
Dan and Renee held their wedding at Markovina Estate, just north of Auckland.
VENUE | Markovina Vineyard Estate, @markovina_vineyard_estate
VideographeR | Milk & Honey, @milknhoneyweddings
FloraLS | Petal Ensemble, @petalensemble
Envelope Calligraphy | @lilgatcreations
Neon Sign Personalised: Radikal Neon, @radikalneon
DRESS: Allegra by Eva Lendel bought from Natalie Rose Bridal, @natalierosebridal SUIT | Payne Tailors, @paynetailoring
RINGS | (Custom made out of my mother’s ring) Amber Stone, @amber_stone_ / Walker & Hall, @walkerandhall @frankie_ruins /
Makeup | Sam Hart, @samhartsam
Hair | Messy Bun, @messybun_nz /
Bridesmaids’ Attire | Billy J, @billy_j_boutique